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As all communities have the potential for an emergency situation, the Hamilton CAER Group acknowledges the need, and the right, of the public to know the risks associated with the manufacture, storage, handling, and distribution of potentially dangerous products within Hamilton and the surrounding communities. By knowing the risks present in our community, we are able to plan and prepare so that, when an emergency occurs, the community can deal with the situation effectively. In recognition of this, and in the interest of promoting a positive image for industry, the Hamilton CAER Group and its members will endeavour to:


  • encourage the development and maintenance of effective emergency response plans within Hamilton industry through information sharing and special projects,

  • facilitate the co-ordination of industrial emergency response plans with community and government emergency planning services,

  • provide a means for local industry to inform the community of the steps being taken to prepare for, and prevent, emergencies and, thereby, increase awareness and minimize the risk to people, property and the environment,

  • offer membership to all companies involved with the manufacture, storage, handling or distribution of products within Hamilton,

  • actively liaise with, and offer membership to, all Provincial, Municipal, Educational, Institutional and local planning agencies as well as private emergency response and training companies,

  • plan, practice and co-ordinate activities with industry to enhance safe operating practices and reduce the risk of emergency situations that could threaten the Hamilton community,

  • coordinate or organize an emergency simulation at least once every five years and/or participate in other organized emergency simulations,

  • establish an effective ‘outreach program’ to deal with community concerns related to the operation of members’ facilities,

  • assess and reduce the risk to life and the environment through the education of member employees and the public in general,

  • promote the ‘Partnerships Toward Safer Communities’ program in the City of Hamilton.


Hamilton CAER Group Administration

  • Operate as a volunteer, non-profit, community-based organization.

  • Hold meetings on a regular basis.

  • Provide an Agenda and the minutes from the previous meeting.

  • Membership to elect a chairperson, vice-chairperson and treasurer once every two years. Retiring chairperson remains on executive committee as post chairman.

  • Collect an annual membership fee. Membership fees will be invoiced on January 1st of each year and are due on receipt.


Our commitment as a group to you, the member, will be to:

  • Assist with the completion of internal plant safety and risk assessments,
  • Assist with the development of community education and community outreach programs,
  • Assist with the creation of a “Site Emergency Plan”
  • Provide a support network to share ideas, knowledge, technology, resources and expertise,
  • Share reports on activities from other CAER groups.
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